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i want to play this, but im on mac, do you think you can make it work on mac? if no its fine. i dont know how that stuff works, so i dont even know if you can make it on ma

Hi) Unfortunately, no for MAC 



Macs are not for gaming suckie. hehe.  Bruh get a PC if you really wanna do some gaming.

completely forgot about this, i got a computer in the past year ill try the game now


Each chapter is getting better.

Thanks for the amazing review!  I'm glad you liked it :) 


Cant wait for the next chapter

Strange creatures


As usual i absolutely loved this, jump scared the crap out of me and i got lost at first but still enjoyed it very much: 


Thanks for the amazing review and support! I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter :) 

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey , The new chapter is Hard , Good job Dev , a pleasure to play this game ;)  My gameplay is here ( Chapter 8 )


Thank you very much!  I'm glad you enjoyed this level! Later i think to make another game in this style :)


Ah yes, that would be really good, in addition it reminds silent hill well, so I approve!


New update 0.9 available! Silent City is waiting for you! Enemies have become stronger and more dangerous!

(1 edit)

New chapter ,  good ;)


Hard haha

Yes :) The new scene is hard)


Extremely interesting game! Can't wait for the other chapters! You can really tell a lot of hard work has gone into this!

Thanks for the support and for your feedback!


Loving the story :D

Thank you very much for the new review and support :)  


Nice chapter , jumpscares is really cool ;) good job !


Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it :)


This gets better with every chapter!


Thank you very much! I really try to do better every chapter :) Maybe later I will do an update for the first levels :)

The adventure continues. Added a new seventh location! Enemy health increased! Be careful!

In chapter digging, It's hard to go up the gate with boxes

Can you make it easy?

This is not the right way. The first room has an easy way - the tunnel in the wall above ;)  Also use boxes.




Thanks for the review :) 



Thank you very much :)


I think this was my favourite level so far  :) but there was an issue with the first door it let me through when i didnt pick a keycard up, apart from that this was awesome you got me again with all them jumpscares! heres my gameplay hope you enjoy:

Thanks friend! I'm glad you enjoyed this level! All these days I worked a lot on this :) Thank you very much for your support!

Added sixth place!


Just uploaded my playthrough of a much earlier release so probably not relevant but thought I'd share to see if my insights would help progress development. This is definitely a hidden gem and I'll need to revisit this game in the next week or so to see how much it has improved!.

Thanks for the amazing review! Now 5 locations are available and I continue to work on the continuation :)

Mate, amazing work!, I'll definitely jump back in and give it another go. I'm obviously missing a lot of the new scenes.

Thank you very much :) It’s awesome to hear! 


Hey played the new chapter found a few bugs. However this game is awsome. i wonder were will we be next?


Thanks for the regular support and for your feedback :) Really appreciate it! I will try to make a new place more scary and add small new gameplay elements ;)

Bugs are fixed and a new level is added in update 0.7 :)


oo i will have a look

Fifth location added!


Is there a new chapter yet? :)


Yes! The fifth location is now available :) 

yes i love you haha already downloading it!

Excellent :))


I love how you execute the jumpscares in this game another really good area thanks dev! heres my gameplay hope you enjoy:


Thanks for the excellent review and support! I will try to make the next place even better ;)

New update 0.7 uploaded :)


I had to play this game again, this is part 2 of the updated game you awesome devs pointed out to me.  Love what you have and how strange it is. 

Thank you very much for the new review and support!

thanks and love pushing indie devs to people. this game is good and can't wait to finish it. 

It’s awesome to hear! I'm finishing a new update) A new location will be available in the coming days :)


Through Eternity

Custom Thumbnail made by Jaboblu in April 2020
Check out my channel!
(1 edit)

Thank you very much! Great preview! In the new version 0.5, four full levels are available ;) I try to add a new level every week) You can get to any level from the menu.


That's amazing! I give them a look cant wait to play more.

I'm glad to hear it :)


Мне понравилось, что уровни стали длиннее! Я мнение в видео высказал! И как бы там ни было, ты молодец ! Надеюсь в будущем ты сделаешь супер проработанный ужастик, такой, чтобы страшно было всю игру!!Мой плюс тебе друг!

Спасибо за обзор и обратную связь :)

Всегда! Не смотря на то, что работы еще много, игра может напугать! 


You've got something really cool going on keep it up!  Only thing I find "annoying" is that you manually have to quit the game after completing the last lvl. 

Thanks for the review and for your feedback!  A new addition is coming soon :)


I made a mistake  but really enjoyed this level. Cant wiat for the next one.

 I'm glad you liked it! Thank you so much ;)




Thank you very much for your support! I really appreciate it! Different eras and locations will be added :) The game will grow with each update!

(1 edit)

Fourth location added!


love what you are doing with this game

Thanks for the new review! I continue to work on the game) A new addition is coming soon :)


Finally, i made it out of your tunnels of doom! haha man im enjoying this game so much:


Thanks again friend! It’s awesome to hear! Glad you liked it :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I had fun with this. The only critiques that I have are 1) the batteries drain too fast and 2) some of the mechanics like crouching and jumping are a little off. I had to hit Ctrl then C in order to get into the vents and jumping onto crates felt a bit loose like I couldn't stick the landing and would slide off. Other than that, I like what you have going here and I look forward to playing the full game.  Good job!

Thanks for the review and for your feedback! I appreciate it! I also updated the game. The new version 0.3 now has more content :) 


pretty good game i do am having  a hard time on the controls tho but overall it was very good

Thank you very much! Glad you liked it :)

Hi, i have a horror game. Would you like to test it out? Send me a message on my email and i will give you more details. Thank


A nice start

Thank you so much for this review!

(2 edits)

Download the NEW version - THROUGH ETERNITY 0.3  

Third level finished 


I really enjoyed this demo!  I gave some tips and pointers throughout this video as I ran into a bug or 2.  But I love the foundation I can't wait to see what the dev does with this!

Thanks for the amazing review I'm glad you liked it) In the upcoming new version, bugs will be fixed and a new level will be added.


Nice game you have and I will say I will be playing more parts of it. First half is well done though I do have my peeves overall good game, If you want to see what I thought check out the video, plus big thank you for the dev in letting me play it, hope to see more from you peeps.

Thank you so much for the review :) I'm working on the full version.


You put alot into the demo and can't wait to see what you have install for the full version.

Thank you very much! It’s awesome to hear!


For the second part of the video, it is better to use the new version 0.3 :) Three locations available.

Thanks for the reply. I shall play 3.0 for the next part :) 


The game of course needs to be completed ... But there were a few points that really scared me, Bravo!
(1 edit)

Thank you very much :) I'm working on the full version right now!


Я буду ждать полной версии!


Great game it runs smoothly and its so scary 100/100

Thanks for the amazing review :) I'm glad you liked it!

(1 edit)
New version available for download THROUGH ETERNITY 0.2

really enjoyed this its a cool idea.

Thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! It’s awesome to hear!

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